BanHelper [ Easy to use ban helper to get rid of spammers in your comments and forums. ]

BanHelper v1.9
Author nlstart
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Description BanHelper v1.9
Changelog 1.9 (nlstart)
* admin_findspam.php: new check 10: users with 2 random characters behin the loginname compared to the username
* admin_findspam.php: added checkboxes to select multiple users in one time
* admin_findspam.php: added functionality with top checkbox to toggle select/unselect all checkboxes
* admin_banuser.php: moved actual banning to function ban_id that can be called from banhelper_class.php
* banhelper_class.php: new function ban_id that is called from admin_banuser.php and admin_findspam.php
* languages/English.php: added BH_FIND_55 until BH_FIND_57
Filesize 50.32 kB
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