News Item: How to add Twitter interactivity retweet to your news pages?
(Category: Blog)
Posted by nlstart

Twitter is 'hot'. So here's a very simple 'how to' instruction to add some Twitter interactivity to your e107 news pages.

1. create a new file e107_themes/yourthemefolder/ with following content:
$news_item = getcachedvars('current_news_item');
return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">tweetmeme_url = '".SITEURL."news.php?item.".$news_item['news_id']."';
</script><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>";

2. at the top of your theme.php (e.g. under language include) add this line:
$register_sc[]= "RETWEET";

3. in your theme.php in section $NEWSSTYLE use {RETWEET} E.g. behind


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