News Item: Sneak preview: EasyShop v1.3
(Category: Plugins)
Posted by nlstart

This news article will give you an overview of important main features of the coming EasyShop v1.3.
The precise delivery date of EasyShop v1.3 is unknown, but it will be somewhere during summer of 2008.

NOTE: contents of this article is subject of change. Finally delivered software may vary.
NOTE2: click on any thumbnail in the extended news article to view it enlarged.

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Current 1.3 release status: Released as per July 26, 2008.

1. upload of pictures through admin menu
In the admin menu there will be an option: 'Picture uploads'.
Programming status: implemented

2. Extended general preferences
A long list of new features! They will help you to have more control over your shop and offer extended functionality.
admin setting to set currency behind amount: all currency signs are placed before the amounts; unless this setting is switched on, from than on all currency signs are placed behind the amounts.
admin setting to set minimum amount: it is now possible to set a minimum order amount. The checkout button will not show up unless the minimum amount has been reached.
admin setting to display checkout button always: it is possible to overrule an hidden checkout button (e.g. no items in baskets); in this way the checkout button is always present. NOTE: this might lead to an PayPal redirect with nothing to pay.
admin setting for page dividing character: the default divide character for pages is », but you can define any character.
admin setting to set size of icon width as presented in admin (main) categories and products. When creating (main) categories or products a 'mini' icon is presented to select the image; now also the size of the 'mini' icon is self adjustable.
admin setting to enable the e107 comments function so visitors can comment products. This makes the EasyShop plugin work more integrated with the rest of your e107 website.
admin setting to show a background shopping bag image in easyshop_menu This makes the EasyShop menu more appealing and clear to visitors. Default is set to 'off' to keep EasyShop 1.2 backwards compatible (read: no changes in behavior when upgrading).
admin setting to show shop text at top or bottom Until 1.2 the shop text was always displayed at the top, above the product categories. Now you can choose if you want to display the shop text at the top (default) or at the bottom.
admin setting to show shop address Until 1.2 if the shop address was filled it was always printed. Now you're able to fill in your shop address but not print it at the shop text. This functionality might be used in future versions. As from 1.3 also the e-mail address is part of the shop address block; so hiding the address will also hide the shop support e-mail address.
PayPal info for Cancel page title and Cancel page text: up till EasyShop v1.21 there was no support for canceled orders. Now, if for some reason the PayPal payment process cancels; the cancelled.php will be called. In those cases; the shopping basket will be emptied.
Programming status: implemented
Image: Image:

3. Main categories
It is possible to create category-to-product depths like fruits - apples - golden delicious (where fruits will be the main category, apples will be the category and golden delicious will be the product). The functionality of creating a main category is identical as to the existing categories. Main categories are optional. Even when not creating any main category in EasyShop v1.3 it will still work as v1.2 did.
Programming status: implemented

4. Improved links
In the old shop the links could be quite lengthy... The new shop has an improved way of finding its (main) categories and products.
E.g. old link:
new link:
Programming status: implemented

5. Maintain properties
An unlimited number of properties can be defined. Think e.g. about colors, sizes, etcetera. Each property can have an unlimited number of instances. Each instance can have an individual price delta. For one product, a maximum of 5 properties can be linked. So, it is possible to create 1 product e.g. "T-shirt". Add a property size (e.g. S,M,L,XL,XXL) with a different price delta for each property. Even negative price delta's are allowed. Add another property color (e.g. black,white,green,purple,yellow) and now your one product can also be selected with a different color too! All chosen property values are added to the product name (e.g. T-shirt S white) and passed on to the PayPal order list. This example took only 2 properties and takes care about price, size and color.
Programming status: implemented
Image: Image: Image: Image:

6. Maintain discounts
An unlimited number of discounts can be defined. The discount can either be a fixed amount or a percentage. By default the discounts are visible to the shop audience that matches the discount class; you can link one discount to one product. The old and new price will be shown to the shop audience (except if price properties are used). If the discount contains a discount code than the possibility will be offered to the shop audience to enter a discount code. If the code matches the discount code than the discount is calculated; otherwise the normal price is calculated.
Programming status: implemented

7. Improved security
The shop owner and the shop customers will be protected better with EasyShop v1.3; all kinds of security related improvements have been implemented.
Programming status: implemented

8. XHTML 1.1 compliant Image:
The shop output has been rewritten; EasyShop v1.3 is XHTML 1.1 compliant.
Programming status: implemented

9. Category class
It is possible to assign a class to each category. EasyShop will automatically display only those categories that the visitor is allowed to see. Using this feature makes it possible to have (parts of) your web shop visible to certain user classes.
Programming status: implemented

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