FlickrFeed plugin

Category:   Plugins | Author:   nlstart

A new nlstart plugin has been launched: FlickrFeed.

With the FlickrFeed plugin you can integrate Flickr photo streams in your e107 website. Not just in a menu, but site wide! After installation there is a flickrfeed BBcode icon Image: plugins/flickrfeed/images/bb.png added that allows you to add FlickrFeed in news items, custom pages, forum threads, etc.

Downloadable for logged in members: Download FlickrFeed v1.1

The plugin also supports a number of settings.

  1. $num_items - how many photos you want to appear
  2. $type - specify user, set, favorite, group or community photo stream
  3. $tags - a comma separated list of tags (with no spaces)
  4. $imagesize - square, thumbnail, medium or large
  5. $before_image - html appearing before each photo
  6. $after_image - html appearing after each photo
  7. $id_number - specify a user id (or group name)
  8. $set_id - specify the set id (found in set url), only with type 'set'

The above settings are also used for the BBcode [flickrfeed].

Example 1

FlickrFeed (with admin settings: num_items=5, type="community", tags="amsterdam,people")

This would show the 5 most recent public photos tagged with amsterdam and people.

BBcode [flickr feed=5|community|amsterdam,people][/flickr feed] * results in:

* Remove the two additional spaces that have been put into the BBcode flickrfeed on purpose for demonstration purposes.

Amsterdam Indian restaurant - Cleanup kitchenDam Square Ceremony - visit of the King and Queen of SpainLet Me ReadDam - Amsterdam (Netherlands)A friendly crew is waiting... !

Example 2

FlickrFeed (with admin settings: num_items=8, type="set", tags="", image_size="thumbnail", before_image="< l i >", after_image="< / l i >", id_number"44124462494@N01", set_id="72157601681097311")

This would show the 8 most recent thumbnail sized photos from the specified user's set, each foto wrapped in list tags.

BBcode [flickr feed=8|set||thumbnail|< l i >|< / l i >|44124462494@N01|72157601681097311][/flickr feed] results in:

  • Retro
  • Tower
  • Underground
  • Park
  • Oxford Circus
  • Reflection
  • Corner
  • Held up
  • Example 3

    FlickrFeed (with admin settings: num_items=5, type="group", tags="", image_size="square", before_image="", after_image="", id_number="34427469792@N01")

    This would show the 5 most recent square sized photos from the FlickrCentral (Pool) group.

    BBcode [flickr feed=5|group||square|||34427469792@N01|][/flickr feed] results in:

    Making his own breezeamerican robincommon grackleWeather forecasterDeux Chevaux in a nice shade of blue

    Example 4

    FlickrFeed (with admin settings: num_items=4, type="user", tags="nlstart", image_size="square", before_iamge="", after_image="", id_number="28720982@N06")

    This would show the 4 most recent square sized photos tagged with 'nlstart' of user NLSTART (id = 28720982@N06).

    BBcode [flickr feed=4|user|nlstart|square|||28720982@N06|][/flickr feed] results in:


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